Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) - navires à grande vitesse
olivier Admin
Nombre de messages : 46383 Age : 56 Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel) Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007
Sujet: Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) - navires à grande vitesse Jeu 10 Jan 2013 - 16:50
Austal livre le premier JHSV de la marine américaine (12.12.2012)
Construit par le chantier Austal de Mobile, dans l’Alabama, la tête de série du programme Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV), l’USNS Spearhead, a été livrée le 5 décembre à l’US Navy. Mis à flot en septembre 2011 et ayant réalisé avec succès ses essais d’acceptation un an plus tard, ce bâtiment est le premier d’une série de 10 unités destinées à répondre aux besoins de projection rapide de l’armée américaine. Long de 103 mètres pour une largeur de 28.5 mètres, l’USNS Spearhead est un catamaran en aluminium présentant un déplacement de 2400 tonnes en charge et pouvant dépasser la vitesse de 40 nœuds grâce à quatre moteurs diesels MTU et quatre hydrojets, avec une puissance propulsive de 36 MW.
_________________ olivier
Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !
Nombre de messages : 46383 Age : 56 Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel) Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007
Sujet: JHSV 1 Jeu 17 Jan 2013 - 0:53
Military Sealift Command (MSC) accepted delivery of the Navy's first joint high-speed vessel at Austal Shipyard in Mobile, Ala., Dec. 5 2012.
USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1), a joint high-speed vessel, or JHSV, is designed for rapid intra-theater transport of troops and military equipment. MSC will own and operate Spearhead and the 8 other JHSVs that are under contract, with the option of a 9th additional vessel, to be built for the Navy. Spearhead is crewed by 22 civil service mariners working for MSC who will operate, navigate and maintain the ship. Retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Four Kenneth Wahlman is the ship's sponsor. Wahlman was inducted into the Transportation Corps Hall of Fame in July 2004 after 38 years of distinguished contributions to the Army ranging from support to Naval Nuclear Power Unit at McMurdo Station in Antarctica, to assisting with the launch of the Army prepositioning fleet in 1987. The Navy honored the ship's original U.S. Army-chosen name and sponsor after the 2011 decision to transfer five JHSVs - originally slated to be owned and operated by the Army - to the Navy. Subsequent JHSVs will be named after U.S. counties, such as USNS Choctaw County (JHSV 2). The 338-foot-long (103m) aluminum catamarans are designed to be fast, flexible and maneuverable, even in shallow waters, making them ideal for transporting troops and equipment quickly within a theater of operations. "Flexibility may be the best attribute of this ship," said civilian Capt. Douglas D. Casavant, Jr., Spearhead's civil service master who has been sailing for MSC for 23 years. "Our 20,000 square foot (1,858 square meters) mission bay area can be reconfigured to quickly adapt to whatever mission we are tasked with, for instance, carrying containerized portable hospitals to support disaster relief or transporting tanks and troops." The JHSVs are capable of transporting approximately 600 tons of military troops, vehicles, supplies and equipment 1,200 nautical miles (2,222 km) at an average speed of 35 knots (65 km/h), and can operate in shallow-draft, austere ports and waterways, providing U.S. forces added mobility and flexibility. The JHSVs' aviation flight deck can support day and night flight operations for a wide variety of aircraft, including CH-53 Super Stallions. Each JHSV has sleeping accommodations for up to 42 crew members and 104 mission personnel; and airline-style seating for 312 people. As MSC assets, all of the JHSVs will be civilian-crewed. The first 4 of the 10 projected vessels, including Spearhead, will be crewed by civil service mariners, while the next 6 are slated to be crewed by civilian mariners working for a private company under contract to MSC. Military mission personnel will embark as required by mission sponsors. Following delivery to the Navy, Spearhead will participate in operational testing before sailing to its layberth in Little Creek, Va. The Navy expects the ship to begin conducting missions in the first quarter of fiscal year 2013. MSC operates approximately 110 noncombatant, U.S. merchant mariner-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navy ships, conduct specialized missions, strategically preposition combat cargo at sea around the world, and move military cargo and supplies used by deployed U.S. forces and coalition partners.
_________________ olivier
Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !
MOBILE, Ala. (June 5, 2013) The joint high-speed vessel USNS Millinocket (JHSV 3) awaits delivery at the Austal USA vessel completion yard. Choctaw County is the second of 10 joint high-speed vessels designed for rapid intra-theater transportation of troops and military equipment. (U.S. Navy photo Courtesy Austal/Released)
Nombre de messages : 46383 Age : 56 Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel) Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007
Sujet: les navires JHSV deviennent des EPF Mar 29 Sep 2015 - 9:33
Les navires de transport rapide JHSV (Joint High Speed Vessel) changent d’appellation et deviennent des navires de transport rapide expéditionnaire EPF (Expeditionary Fast Transport) en septembre 2015.
Le secrétaire américain à la marine a récemment annoncé la création de l’Expeditionary Support Class, regroupant trois types de bâtiments destinés à soutenir les opérations de projection de forces. Dans cette perspective, les Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSV) deviennent des Expeditionary Fast Transports (T-EPF), les Afloat Forward Staging Bases (AFSB) son renommées T-ESB (Expeditionary Base Mobile) et les Mobile Landing Platforms (MLP) s’appellent désormais des Expeditionary Transfer Docks (T-ESD). Tous sont armés par le Military Sealift Command (MSC).
USNS Trenton (T-EPF-5)
_________________ olivier
Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !