Bonjour à tous,
Le 28.3.1942 a eu lieu le raid allié contre St Nazaire
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trois photos du HMS CAMPBELTOWN
March On completion of trials embarked Commandos and reduced ships company needed to
take ship to French coast and to man armament needed for CHARIOT.
25th Took passage from Devonport to Falmouth to join Motor Launches and Motor Torpedo
Boats taking part in this operation.
(Note: Details of recognition signals used by German warships approaching the French
coast had been given to all ships taking part. )
26th Sailed from Falmouth towing MTB74 with HM Destroyers ATHERSTONE and TYNEDALE.
(Note: MTB74 had been modified to carry special delayed action torpedoes to be used if
explosives carried on board did not detonate.)
27th Passage into port made from Atlantic direction to ensure approach to St Nazaire was correct.
(Note: U593 sighted CHARIOT Force and was attacked without success.
SEAS by P Scott for details.)
Arrived off St Nazaire and entered Loire estuary.
28th Ship wedged against outer lock gate but charges failed to detonate.
Some survivors rescued by MTB74 and ML177 were later lost when these two craft were sunk.
Depth Charges detonated ten hours later and caused many casualties to enemy personnel who
were on board inspecting the ship and others on the dockside.
Wreck of ship was driven into the drydock when the caisson was damaged and she
remained there for many months.
The dock was sealed with a sand wall but could not be used for the rest of WW2.